80s Drinks

Perfect for your 80s Bash

The 80s are all the rage right now, and whether you're hosting a theme party, binging Stranger Things or shopping for some cute 80s clothing making a comeback, there are several fun 80s drinks you can try to complete the look and feel of your 80s adventure. 

Most of these don't sound totally 80s to some, especially since many are still served today. A Long Island Iced Tea? It was an 80s staple, but it's still sold by the bottle. Drinks like the B-52, however, aren't nearly as common, although some people still order the yummy drink named after the band. It has Kahlua, Bailey's and orange triple sec, so what's not to love? I kind of want one right now while I blast "Roam" on the iPo... I mean, stereo.

What are your favorite drinks from the 80s? Share them in the chat!

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Lavender Drinks

Share your recipes!

What is it about the fullness of midsummer that makes us turn to lavender? It's got such a refreshing quality, especially when paired with lemon or even vanilla scents. It's perfect for oiling or scenting your home, as well as for blending into cocktails! Lavender drinks are an excellent idea for July and August refreshment.

You can make a floral refresher, like this lavender and rose cocktail, or one of these classics with a lavender twist, like a Lavender Collins. I think it would go very well in your favorite lemondrop, too, and maybe even complement some dessert cocktails.

What types of lavender drinks do you enjoy? Share them in the chat. 

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Blueberry Ginger Lemon Shrub

Curios Elixirs has a great recipe

Blueberries and lemons go together like peas and carrots, and I was thrilled to find a cheap sugar scrub at Target featuring both scents last week. I just want to drink it, and of course that's not a great idea. So I think I will have to try this recipe from Curious Elixirs.

I've never even heard of a blueberry ginger lemon shrub, and wonder if they invented the drink. It has so many of my favorites in it that I know it's one I'll love! It calls for all of these ingredients, as fresh as possible, plus sugar, apple cider vinegar and water. Altogether, that sounds pretty refreshing, even without the booze. You just add your soda water when you want to drink it!

Have you made any other shrubs by hand? If so, which ones did you like best? Share your recipes in the chat.

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Best Summer Cocktails

Share your yummiest concoctions!

Summer is in full swing, with heat advisories and sweltering weather, which is often accompanied by storms in my neck of the woods. This translates to stifling humidity that can only be treated with... vibrant summer cocktails! Okay, air conditioning is also helpful, but a good drink can really make your day.

I've got watermelon on the brain, so I was thinking about making Bobby Flay's famous watermelon tequila drinks sometime soon. It sounds like a scrumptious treat in this weather, especially with the advisory our area has for the rest of the week and our A/C is on the fritz! One window unit for the house while the main system is kaput isn't working out so well, but hopefully we'll be able to remedy it soon. In the meantime, I might have what's needed on hand for the cucumber lemonade drinks listed in the link...

What summery drinks are you enjoying at the moment? Share your most refreshing recipes in the chat.

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July 4th Drinks

What are you mixing up for the holiday?

Whether you're making drinks for friends, celebrating Independence Day or just looking for a nice, refreshing drink that also happens to be colorful, Women's Day has you covered with a list of 20 scrumptious-looking drinks to whip up this week. The first drink in the slideshow, Lemosa, blends a lemonade with a mimosa, using the tart citrus in place of the sweet orange and I'm here for it. 

They've also got some standby drinks with little twists, like sangria and hurricanes, and they look like they'd be festive for any Independence Day party--or a Labor Day or Memorial Day get-together, if you have one. Don't worry, there are also non-alcoholic drinks included, like a citrus cooler that looks super yum.

What drinks will you be making for this holiday? Share your recipes in the chat! 


Novelty Teas

Adorable tea bags change your drinking experience!

Do you love cephalopods? Do you love them so much that you'd drink them? These adorable tea bags transform your tea drinking experience into something entirely new by creating an aquarium in your cup! Ocean Teabag has a bunch of cute critter-shaped teabags to make your cup ito something completely different, from raccoons to octopus teas. 

They have pandas, squids, cats--just about anything you could ever want to see swimming around in your cup and more. The teas are normal tea flavors (no, you're not really drinking raccoon here!) so you can get something in one of your favorite blends and just watch it swim in your cup.

Normally I prefer specific flavored teas but I think I'd go for one of these for the experience! How about you? What novelty teas have you enjoyed? Share your links in the chat!

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Pee Is Not For Drinking

And it's certainly not a health beverage

Our bodies have excretory systems for a reason: they get rid of wastes we're not supposed to have in our bodies. That's why we get rid of urine. We certainly aren't meant to drink it; we are not rabbits who consume their own excrement, after all. People in Colorado who attend the Urine Therapy Meetup think that consuming urine and rubbing it on one's skin has health benefits, which is ludicrous. 

Urine is full of bacteria, so drinking it is far from good for you. There's no scientific data to support any benefits to drinking urine at all, and it can be full of potassium and nitrogen that the body is trying to get rid of, not keep inside. If washing hands in urine has helped people with eczema, great; I can't see anything wrong with that as long as you wash your hands with actual soap afterward. But drinking it?

What other weird things are people drinking in the world? Share any stories you run across in the chat!

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Wine Myths

Did you know any of these?

The older I get, the clearer it is that I don't know anything. Not everything--anything! Everything continues to change and many of the truths we cling to, as Obi Wan said, depend on our own point of view--or, for many of us, what we were taught in school, which has often since changed. Are there 8 planets, 13, or 9, for example?!

So when I heard about these wine myths, I had to groan. More nonsense that I believed to be truth! From temperature to headaches, serving suggestions to glassware, did you know that any of these were wine myths? Read through and tally which of the 5 you knew already and which ones you'd never even heard of or believed. The white wine with fish rule is one I knew well! Or thought I knew...

What other alcohol truths and misconceptions have you run across recently that blew your mind? Share your findings in the chat!

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Love Black Coffee?

It could be genetic!

If you're a black coffee drinker, it turns out that your favorite addiction might be genetic, but in a weird way: some researchers think that no one actually enjoys bitter drinks like black coffee and alcohol, but that their brains may be wired to enjoy these drinks due to the effects that they produce and not on their taste. On the other hand, people who enjoy sugary drinks have a gene that just doesn't allow them to feel the same benefits that coffee and alcohol have, or that they feel lesser levels of their effects, so they like sugary drinks instead.

It's interesting to think that it's possible that nobody likes black coffee just for the drink's flavor, but for the effects of coffee on the body. Having had many a black coffee in my life, I do have to say that I'd prefer a coffee with sugar when available, but I'll also drink it black if it's all I've got!

What do you think about the study? Do you actually like the taste of black coffee? 

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