Most Popular Bar Drinks

Can you guess all ten?

If someone asked you what the 10 most requested drinks in bars are, would you be able to name all of them? Chances are some pretty common ones like the margarita and gin and tonic would come to mind, but would you think of a Scotch, neat? How about a Moscow Mule? These are among the 10 most popular bar drinks. If you want to test your knowledge, click the link and see if you can guess the rest. Hint: two are super obvious!

How did you do? How did you like the "ingredients" for the two obious drinks? Pretty funny! What drinks do you think should have been included and which have you never ordered (or even heard of)? Were there any big surprises? Share your thoughts in the chat.

Will you be making any of these drinks now that you know they are requested so often?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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