Heartbeat Can Be Disrupted by Binge Drinking

It's always important to drink wisely

Getting your drink on can be a fun and relaxing way to spend your time, but binge drinking comes with its dangers. Drinking smart is always important, and not just because you can make some stupid decisions when you binge drink without planning it. Drinking a large amount of alcohol at one time can create an irregular heartbeat, or cardiac arrhythmia, no matter your weight or level of health. In a study of individuals who consumed 12 pints of beer, nearly a third of them experienced irregular heartbeats. People who did not drink only experienced irregular heartbeats between 1 to 4 percent of the time, pointing toward the massive amounts of alcohol as the cause. Given this knowledge, it's more important than ever to go easy on the binge drinking to avoid health problems.

What kinds of plans do you make when you are drinking? How do you stay safe while you have a good time?

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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