To Freeze or Not to Freeze?

How do you like your margaritas?

We are in the heart of a deep, dank summer, and if you love your frozen drinks during happy hour, I totally get it. Frosty, frozen drinks are a great comfort on sticky, humid days, and they even provide relief from the dry heat. But you know what? I'll still take my margarita on the rocks, thanks.

As much as I enjoy a frozen drink, there's just something about an ice cold margarita. For me, beer and margs need to be cold, but not frozen. (Think frozen beer isn't a thing? Check out the link!) A lightly salted rim around a refreshing margarita is awesome to me no matter the weather, but I really don't have a good reason behind it aside from personal preference.

What about you? Can you make a better case for a margarita on the rocks--or frozen, for that matter?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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