Bad News for Booze

If you’re a big drinker, there’s some news going around that you may not want to hear. Too much alcohol can do a lot of things to your body. You already know that it can make you sick-drunk, ruin your liver and even kill you, but evidence now supports the fact that alcohol can damage your heart if you drink too much. According to the research, even half a pint of booze can impact your body. It works by prematurely aging your arteries, inflicting damage. The problem is finding out how much is too much. While everyone’s tolerance level is different, “too many” is often defined as more than four for a man and three for a woman.

In other bad booze news, Long Beach City Council voted to end drinking on the Boardwalk. Will this be bad for tourism and business in general? We’ll have to wait and see to find out.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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