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What Type of Drinker Are You?

After ordering a very rare drink for me at a restaurant, a waiter remarked, "I know which side of the table is the fun side!" He was being cute (and he was cute), but in all honesty, I'm a sleepy drinker. I rarely drink because when I do, it just adds to my usual state of exhaustion and leaves me groggily blinking, ready for a nap (or longer). I also grew up around drinkers and I've seen every kind, from the hysterical laugher to the crying drunk, the repetitive, clingy drinker to my least favorite of all, the one that's hurt my family and me the most--the mean drunk. 

It got me thinking about how often hosts will push alcohol (as they are trained to do; it's no fault of their own) on people without even knowing who they are, what they'll do with that boozy blood, or what they've done in the past after drinking. How many people are one drink away from sobriety, or from self-destruction? It's a pretty morbid line of thought to have at a TGI Friday's.

What kind of drinker are you? Do you order drinks out often?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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