Boozy Popsicles for Summer

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Do you make boozy popsicles to enjoy this time of year, or are you more likely to buy the kind you freeze and enjoy ready-made? They both obviously have their benefits and drawbacks, but I have found more success in the ready-made type myself. The great thing is that there are so many to choose from today that you can almost always find a flavor you like, too.

From Largo Bay to SunPop, Veil Vodka to Cazul 100, there are all kinds of brands with various flavors to try. Blue raspberry or cherry limemade? Be still my heart!  Of course, if you really want to make your own, there are so many great recipes to try, too. Honestly my favorite thing is just to fill an ice cold watermelon with something fruity and delicious!

What kinds of boozy Popsicles are your favorites? Share them in the chat!

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