What's Your Specialty?

Everyone should know a handful of drinks to make

You don't have to be a bartender to know a good repertoire of drinks. Anyone who entertains should know at least a handful of good drink recipes, practice them and be able to make them well. It's a skill that comes in handy for everything from calming people after a funeral to impressing a date. But what drinks should you focus on?

According to the Washington Post, you should know a good seven recipes that include the classic martini, Manhattan, gin and tonic, Margarita and a few other favorites. This is because these are some of the most requested and well-known beverages that people already know. You could also make one up or know a "specialty" that represents who you are. This would be a fun way to introduce yourself and your personality to someone new.

What drinks are you known for? Which drinks do you think everyone should know how to make? Post your thoughts in the chat below.


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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