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UK Parents Let Kids Drink

Do you let yours?

According to the University College of London Institute of Education, around 1 in 6 UK parents let young teens ages 13-14 drink alcohol at home. Alarmists are wagging their fingers, crying foul when they don't even know how much the parents allow their kids to drink. Is it six beers a day? Is it a sip of champagne on special occasions? Who knows. They also say that it's educated parents who are allowing it the most often, which worries them because they think the educated parents don't know the dangers of alcohol.

Or maybe the parents DO know and they are attempting to make alcohol less of a big deal and less attractive to the kids. Too many turn 21 and go wild, binge drinking and getting sick or even killed in the process. Not to say that it's the right (or wrong) approach, but there is likely some thought in mind here.

Do you let your teens drink at home? What do you think of this practice? Tell us in the chat.


photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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