Food & Beverage

I So Want a Coke Freestyle Machine

Let me say this first: I know coke is bad for me. I know it like I know my own name. In fact, I know that when I drink too much of it, or depend on it to keep me awake, I can get very, very ill. I’ve even seen family and friends experience ill health effects from too much soda. It’s bad, it’s not an everyday drink, and I just shouldn’t love it…

But I do!

And not just any coke, but fountain coke. I can’t stand the stuff in aluminum or bottles—I can taste both. Glass is okay, but what really tickles my fancy is a nice, freshly iced fountain coke (or cherry coke, or any other flavor available) when I’m craving it. And no, I don’t drink coke every day; I usually reserve that experience for the one, maybe two times a week we eat outside the house. (Or if we order in—one of my favorite pizza companies delivers fountain sodas.)


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