September 2021

People Without Uteri Continue To Make Laws For People Who Get Pregnant

When I, as a person with a uterus who has been pregnant several times--all of them life-threatening--make a statement reminding people how dangerous pregnancy is, they never seem to understand, especially if they don't own a uterus like me. Over 800 people die a day from pregnancy, and that doesn't count the people left sick, injured and even permanently disabled from pregnancy. Pregnancy is a health condition that needs to be treated as such. Aside from all of that, it's an economic issue that can condemn someone to a life of poverty.

Family Guy Cast Announcements

Just a few weeks remain to see the premiere of the next season of Family Guy and Fox has some exciting announcements for fans who eagerly await what season 20 has in store for them. Spoiler: Stewie is supposed to say his first word this season, and it's going to be a doozy! 

Fans may already know that Arif Zahir is replacing the voice of Cleveland during this new season, a welcome step forward in ensuring that people of color actually play... people of color, which seems like the bare minimum for any program. Yet still the issue persists. 

Caramel Apples Galore

It's apple-picking season and we are here for it! Our local orchard just sent us an email saying they have honeycrisp apples ready for picking, and although we were just there a few weeks ago to pick peaches, we are super excited to go apple-picking soon, too. As a fan of any kind of apple--from apples on grilled cheese to raw apple slices as a snack--I'm always excited over fresh ones, but my favorite apples are those used in desserts.

Dead & Company at Hersheypark Stadium

When you hear that over the weekend Dead & Company not only played at Hersheypark Stadium but they played "The Music Never Stopped," it almost brings a tear to your eye. Not only did life not stop during this pandemic, which continues to rage across much of the nation and affect both lives and livelihoods, but neither did the music. In fact, many people used music to cope while staying home, and this reminds us of the power of music.

New Study on Folate

According to the Mayo Clinic, using folic acid supplements to fight cognitive decline and different types of dementia may or may not be helpful. Various studies have proven to be inconclusive, though some suggest that folate could be helpful. Blood levels with low folic acid content are often found in people suffering from poor cognitive performance but causation and correlation are two different things.

September Eats

With September come all of the fall eats and treats, making it one scrumptious month. Many people have a hard time staying away from sweets at Christmastime, but for others it's the fall that has it all! From peaches, pears and apples in all kinds of baked goodies to all of the fun pumpkin spice-flavored treats appearing on the shelves, it's definitely a season of temptation.

Save Ernest Johnson

Ernest Johnson is on death row in Missouri. He has an IQ of 67. It is against the law to execute someone with an intellectual disability like Ernest but Missouri's Supreme Court unanimously thinks it's okay. Former members of the court have spoken against this heinous ruling yet the court is going to allow the state sanctioned murder of Ernest on October 5.
