December 2020

Student Loan Borrowers Get Extension

The U.S. Department of Education is extending the payment and interest pause that's currently on loans for student borrowers until the end of January, which is great news for the millions of Americans struggling right now. The extension is only until the end of January, and hopefully President Biden will have more relief in progress by then to continue to help citizens.

What are Your Hopes for the Biden-Harris Administration?

While Joe Biden wasn't most people's first choice for president (actually, wasn't he? He was for those who bothered to vote in the primary, after all...), but he and Kamala Harris are already shattering glass ceilings, appointing the most diverse cabinet positions we've ever seen and giving a lot of us high hopes. Part of me wants to remain cautious but another part of me wants to really just dream big here and hope for something wild and wonderful.

Grateful Dead Bobbleheads for the Holidays

You know those Coca Cola polar bears that they put on the boxes and in commercials every year for the holidays? For some reason I just love them so much. I think they're adorable and I always look forward to seeing them. These super cute Grateful Dead dancing bears remind me of those bears, too!

Just look at them! I kind of need them all. Don't you? I think my favorite is the one with antlers but I love that they have a Hannukah bear SO much.

Christmas Dinner to Go

My family and I debated about whether or not to buy or make Thanksgiving and we decided to support a restaurant and buy a meal. We actually did this with two restaurants so we could buy meals for more family members and support multiple venues with curbside pickup, but it turns out that we chose poorly and had a not-so-tasty Thanksgiving meal.

Hosting a Virtual Poetry Slam

Poetry slams get such bad raps but in reality they can be so much fun. They don't always have to be insightful backstories to tragic rappers, either; they can just be a means of a fun and creative getaway from reality. They're also great practice for public speaking. We can do poetry slams from home, too, which is what I'd love to pick everyone's brain about today!

Cats Who Leave Gifts

Yesterday I read a story about a cat who leaves her owner little treats in her purse. Every day she cleans out this little purse pocket and every day her feline friend deposits a few pieces of her own cat kibble to share. It was the most adorable thing I've read this week!

When A Book Just Disappoints

Have you ever been so psyched to read a book only for it to end up a total disappointment? That's happened to me more often this year than most. Many of the books that I was excited to read only to hate were chosen by my book club, but they were all books I wanted to read as well.

There was a super geeky one that everyone seems to love. There was another one that was supposed to be geeky and feature body positivity that ended up incredibly boring and overdone. There were two by authors I love that I absolutely hated. So what do you do when this happens?

Casting Modern Movies in the 1980s

As Millennials age, we find ourselves more nostalgic for the 1980s than ever. There's a fun trend right now where we picture our favorite modern movies as they might've been directed, written and cast back during the decade of our childhoods.

This list, for example, suggests casting Michael J. Fox as Toad and Robin Givens as Storm. It's a pretty good list, although I think I'd love to see Linda Hamilton as Phoenix (Jean), my favorite character.

The Oddest Facts About Brian Griffin

There are all kinds of fun top 10 lists about Family Guy circulating the web right now, and one of them involves some random facts you might not know about the existential family dog and Peter's best friend, Brian Griffin. If you watch the show at all, you know that he's a snarky writer who drinks and lusts after Peter's wife, Lois, but did you know that Brian was also the first character from the show to appear on American Dad?
