July 2020

Writing Poetry with Teens

My teenager loves poetry right now, and I'm super grateful for it. There was a while when poetry drew a lot of eye-rolling, especially if it meant Shakespeare. The kid loathes Shakespeare, even though we've been to several plays and my teen was in one of them. Now that we're moving into more modern stuff (Whitman, so 1800s), suddenly appreciation knows no bounds!

Radioactive Waste 775 - International Team Researches Behavior Of Curium Under Extreme Pressure

    Thomas Albrecht-Schmitt is the Gregory R. Choppin Professor of Chemistry at Florida State University is the leader of an international research team that also includes Manfred Speldrich at Aachen University and chemistry professors Eva Zurek and Larkin Professor of Chemistry Jochen Autschbach at the University of Buffalo. Curium is element 96 in the periodic table.

Nuclear Reactors 803 - U.S. House Committee on Appropriations Requests More Information From DoE About Proposed Uranium Reserve

    The U.S. House Committee on Appropriations (HCA) has refused to provide funding for the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) to establish a uranium stockpile. The HCA has requested more information about the justification for the proposed uranium reserve before committing any funds. They also requested information about how such a reserve would be implemented.

Cute Cat Masks

My family has two sets of masks for each of us, which is starting to not be enough--especially if I forget to wash them or my husband needs to swap them when they get wet, which they do in a hot warehouse after many hours of working. So we're looking for some new ones, and as cat lovers, I thought we'd get some masks with cats on them.

Grateful Dead Masks

Now that face masks are needed all across the nation, many of us are finding or making some really cool, individualized ones, including masks that feature our favorite bands like the Grateful Dead. There are some really neat patterns out there to make masks out of if you want to do so, too.

DIY Coasters

Summertime is here, and with it comes sweaty drinks! My tea and iced coffee drinks are constantly drip, drip, dripping, which makes me in dire need of some coasters around here. I thought I might check some cool DIY methods of coaster making to solve my dilemma.

Family Guy Face Masks

By now, you're doing your civic duty and wearing a mask, right? Unless you have a legitimate medical excuse for not wearing one, you should definitely wear one outside your home. The good news is that lots of people are making them featuring your favorite characters, like the ones from Family Guy!

Wear a Mask, Save a Life

Tonight my mom was baffled by people who refuse to wear masks. We discussed it on the phone, and while we're often at opposite political sides, we both agreed mask wearing is very necessary right now. My mom says there's no way people think this is political and that they must just be vain, not wishing to cover their faces.

Nuclear Fusion 77 - ITEM Project Is Progressing And Nearing Completion

A tokamak is a scientific device that produces energy from nuclear fusion. A huge tokamak is being built in southern France as part of the ITER initiative which has been in development for thirty-five years involving thirty-five different nations. ITER is a nuclear fusion power plant that is designed to investigate using fusion to produce industrial scale carbon-free energy.
