June 2020

Benefits Of Gardening

Recently I read that the benefits you can get from "forest bathing" or taking hikes can also be found in your own garden, which I totally believe. Lately if I'm cranky, it's often when I realize I haven't spent time in my garden yet. I go out, do some watering, weeding and, yes, talking or singing, check on my babies and feel so much better. It's almost like magic.

Plastic From Shrimp

We all know that biodegradable plastic isn't impossible, but it can be complicated as we search for sustainable source materials. Durability is also a concern with plastic that's made to decompose. A student from Australia has designed a strong type of plastic made from shrimp shells!

Plastic From Shrimp

We all know that biodegradable plastic isn't impossible, but it can be complicated as we search for sustainable source materials. Durability is also a concern with plastic that's made to decompose. A student from Australia has designed a strong type of plastic made from shrimp shells!

Adult Swim Loses Rights To Family Guy

Adult Swim is losing the rights to several beloved shows soon, including Family Guy. Given that this is where many a fan watches the program, it comes as a blow to plenty of viewers.

There are plenty of other places to watch the show, of course, ranging from YouTube and Fox Now to Hulu and Swing. If you have it on DVD, of course you're already ahead of the game. 

Will you be bummed about Family Guy exiting Adult Swim? What other shows are leaving that you will miss? 

Black-Owned Etsy Shops

One of the ways we can lift our fellow Black citizens up is offering our support and choosing Black-made goods and services from Black business owners. Etsy is a great place to find Black-owned businesses and support small business owners.

If you need anything from bath and body products to face masks, check out Etsy's Black-owned section. Handmade products are going to be much more unique than anything you buy from a large store and you are supporting the artist directly.

Black-Owned Bakeries

When your sweet tooth hits, there's nothing like something handmade and fresh by a local pastry chef. By supporting local Black-owned bakeries, you're not only eating your dessert but you're keeping your money invested in your neighbors, which is pretty much having your cake, too.

Women For BLM

Feminism often leaves Black women (and trans women, and disabled women, among others) behind in the conversation but in reality, there is no feminism unless it's intersectional. As long as any women are oppressed, all women are not free. It's that simple, but many of us don't know how to make sure our feminism is inclusive.
