Tipsy Scoop

Have you seen these ice cream cocktail kits?

Once in a while, Facebook's algorithms send me ads that I'm actually interested in and when I saw this ad for Tipsy Scoop Boozy Ice Cream kits, I have to admit that I was intrigued. Not only do they have booze-infused ice cream, but they also have these fun kits to make the ice cream into full-fledged dessert experiences.

The kits include ice cream, toppings and instructions to create fun dessert drinks. You might get peach rings, gummy candies, fruit puree and even edible glitter. These are so irresistible and would make excellent holiday gifts for people who love the kind of festivities they would normally celebrate in a bar. They can help you recreate these experiences at home.

Have you seen any other kits like this? Share them in the chat.

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