July 2012

The beauty of vodka

So many drink varieties

I suppose everyone goes through phases with their drinking. My high school days of shots of cinnamon schnapps, Mickey's 40s, and Mad Dog 20/20 are long gone. Slamming down pints of Wild Turkey gave way to an appreciation of nice scotch.

But at least for me, vodka never goes out of style. But, being alternately broke and cheap, I don't always go right for the Stoli or Grey Goose, especially if I will be mixing it in anything other than a martini. That said, I refuse to believe that some of the cheaper vodkas are worth drinking. Despite the omniscience of Smirnoff, I don't think it's very good vodka and I can taste it in any strong sugary mix you douse it with. For a good, reasonably priced vodka I like Finlandia.