National Cognac Day

Did you forget to celebrate?

June 4 was National Cognac Day. Did you miss out? If so, it's not too late to celebrate! Cognac is one of those expensive drinks that you normally enjoy plain on the rocks, but a cocktail made with Cognac is not unheard of. If you prefer your drinks to be a little more on the mild side than the wild side, there are all sorts of cocktails you can try out to see if you like Cognac in the process.

The Almond Crusta is both beautiful and tasty, which is no surprise since it calls for almond syrup, Junipero gin and some lemon juice. Looking for something a little more sophisticated? Try the Sidecar, which calls for Cointreau, lemon juice and a sugary rim. 

What is your favorite way to drink Cognac? Tell us in the chat!


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