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Is Macadamia Nut Milk the answer?

Good drinkers, I'm still feeling so conflicted about which milk to purchase. I like my milk nut-based and as close to sugar-free as possible (I also like coconut milk), but as we've discussed before, my almond milk infatuation just isn't good for the planet. I'm still trying to find the most eco-friendly milk on the market.

What do you think about macadamia nut milk? I found some at my local Aldi this week and I'm excited to try it tomorrow. I've been reading about it and it looks like it might be a better option, although it may be pea milk that's the best bet for the planet after all. I'll have to look into that more, too.

Sometimes it feels impossible to make a good, solid choice, and as if we need to choose the least evil. I could also choose to just drink water, of course! How are you choosing your milk? What evidence have you found to support your best choice of milk?

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