Tiny Guinness Jello Shots
Micro-pints look delicious
Maybe you're the type of person who only enjoys the idea of a beer. You can appreciate the aesthetics of its creamy head, its rich, dark body, the thick, frosty glass that encases it. You watch your fellow imbibers drink it down like a chocolate milkshake, in full, hearty swigs without so much blinking an eye. It looks like it should go down smooth and make your tastebuds quiver with joy. But every time you give it a go, its bitter taste betrays your expectations. If only there were a way to replicate what you thought beer should taste like.
Well, now there is. I'm not one of those people I just described--I love a good brew--but for those among you who find yourselves put off time and time again by all things beery, here's your remedy. It's beer candy, basically. Or rather, beer--Guinness, to be precise--sweetened, solidified, and served up in tiny little steins. Yep, we're talking beer jello shots. They're newly invented and probably perfect for all your St. Patty's day festivities. They even have a little foam head made of Bailey's irish cream. Because who wouldn't love a tasty, bite-sized pint?