Happy Birthday Canned Beer!

Happy Birthday Canned Beer!

Schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated!

I’ll give you five dollars if you can tell me where these lyrics are from and who sang them. OK, actually, I probably won’t because it’s too easy. Of course, the lyrics are from “Laverne and Shirley”, which is definitely an iconic television show from the 70’s. What the lyrics actually might mean is another story altogether.

“Laverne and Shirley” was set in Milwaukee, WI, which is pretty much famous for one thing only: beer.

I mention this today because yesterday was the 75th anniversary of canned beer, which was actually invented in New Jersey, distributed first in Vermont, but probably eventually made famous in Milwaukee.

It is definitely up for debate whether canned beer is  good thing or not. I’ll start with the positives first:

  • It is remarkably portable than bottled beer, making camping trips and hiking adventures that much better.
  •  Recycling is 100% easier because you can crush the can, which also adds to its portability.
  • Shotgunning a beer is not possible without a can. (For a step-by-step how-to video to improve your shot-gunning techniques, check out this link.)
  • It's cheap.


  • Canned beer tastes like crap.